On August 9, my Grandpa or Poppy passed away.
Google tells me that I am 7,756 miles from home, and on a day like that it seems like a very, very long way. People were very kind to me when I tell them my grandpa died, but it is hard to be in a place where no one knows him. It was a really rough time for me here half way around the world, and somedays it still hits me that he wont be there when I come back home.
I just wanted to post the words that I had written to be read at his funeral. He was such an important person in my life and played a vital role in shaping me into the person I am today. This blog is in honor of him.
I’ll start with my journal entry from June 12, 2011, written while I was waiting in Chicago to board the plane to London:
. . . Josh came with me when I went to say goodbye to Poppy. He was sleeping so we discussed what I should do. While we were standing there Josh told me, “You better tell him you love him or I think you will regret it.” So I did. I kissed his forehead and told him I loved him and that I’d miss him. He slept through the whole thing, and I got the feeling that I might not just be saying goodbye for six months.
One of my earliest memories is of Poppy and a very mean rooster named Darth Vadar. Darth Vader liked to patrol the sidewalk between the front door of our house and the gate. One day, Poppy pulled into our yard and I went out to greet him. Darth Vadar attacked and Poppy came to my rescue and beat him off with his hat. Poppy has been my hero ever since.
Josh and I loved for Poppy to be our babysitter. He introduced us to Star Wars movies and Mighty Mouse cartoons and played Pick Up Sticks with us hundreds of times. He cooked us hot dogs and hominy when we went home with him after church on Sundays. He always gave the best birthday and Christmas presents – he knew what we wanted before we did. He was a familiar face in the crowd at all my programs and concerts and games. I love that he took us to Disney World, but I loved the tractor and combine and four-wheeler rides more. He came to our house nearly every day, and I was so happy when we moved and I could walk to his. He ate a lot of my 4-H cooking and said every time that it was delicious. The summer I was a waitress at Grandma Rose’s, Poppy and Carol were my best customers and the best tippers. I liked that I was in town often so I could go to see him at Parrish Care before or after work. I’m sorry I can’t be there today but I know Poppy is proud of what I am doing.
I loved my Poppy very much and I know he loved me too. He never missed the opportunity to tell me so.
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